Updated PLM Portal eAF Release notes now available
An updated version of the
PLM Portal eAF Release notes
reflecting bug fixes and updates to web eAF made in the version released to production on 3 February 2025 are now available on
PLM Portal
and on the PLM Portal eAF web page.
PLM Portal FHIR XML version upgrade
The PLM portal FHIR XML version was updated to 2.2.0, however no change affecting the web-based eAF XML was introduced. The Release notes can be found
Planned maintenance of the Common Repository on 5 February 2025
Due to planned maintenance, the Common Repository (User interface and API) will not be available on Wednesday 5 February 2025, between 18:00 and 20:00. For any further information, please contact EMA Service Desk.
PMS User Interface edit functionalities now live for Industry users!
The Product Management Service (PMS) User Interface (PUI) edit functionalities - live on the
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) portal
- are now available for Industry users.
Note that the write access is for now limited to pack size and manufacturer data for non-Centrally Authorised Products* (non-CAPs).
This data is indeed required for the shortage reporting via the
European Shortages Monitoring Platform (ESMP), which went live with full functionalities on 29 January 2025.
This milestone builds on the previous go-live of the
PMS Application Programming Interface (API) in read-only mode
(for Marketing Authorisation Holders (MAHs) on 3 July 2024, for H&V National Competent Authorities (NCAs) in September 2024 and for all NCAs in December 2024) and the launch of the
PUI in read-only mode for CAPs and non-CAPs
(respectively on 31 May 2024 and 19 September 2024).
Please consult this news article
for full PMS roadmap and a recap of key current and future actions for MAHs.
Supporting events:
- Training webinar: EMA held a public webinar on 28 January 2025 to showcase PMS released PUI edit functionalities (enrichment process). Consult the
event web page to access presentation and recording.
- Weekly Q&A clinics on PUI & API in February:
PUI guidance documents:
* Products authorised throughout mutual recognition procedure (MRP), decentralised procedure (DCP) and national procedure (NAP)
Updated eAF Human Variation form
The Human Variation form v1.27.0.0 was updated on the 29 January 2025. The change
follows the recent update of the new variation regulation; in the Declaration section in
the parallel procedures sub-section, the table with the product/procedure details has
been removed.
It is recommended to use this latest form for new submissions. Please
note that there is no version number change and that the release notes will be updated
and published in the relevant section of the eAF page.
Updated PLM Portal eAF Release notes now available
An updated version of the
PLM Portal eAF Release notes
reflecting bug fixes and updates
to web eAF made in the version released to production on 20 January 2025 are now
available on PLM Portal and on the PLM Portal eAF web page.
eCTD 3.2.2 - validation criteria 8.1 to be updated
In the most recent validation criteria (version 8.1) for EU eCTD M1
specification, the
rules 15.11 and 15.12 referring to the tracking table
being mandatory for all submission
types were updated. However, these rules do not apply to EDQM submissions, and therefore
a further communication and potential update of the EU eCTD M1 package will be
published. In the meantime, for EDQM submissions, you can use the previous validation
criteria package (7.1).
Updated version of the "EU eCTD v4.0 Controlled Vocabularies" (.xml format)
An updated version of the EU eCTD v4.0 Controlled Vocabularies is now available
The updated package contains the missing list (territorial authority) and the unused list was removed (dosage form category).
Planned maintenance of eSubmission systems on 14 January 2025, 18:00 CET
Due to planned maintenance, the following eSubmission systems will not be available on Tuesday 14 January 2025, between 18:00 and 19:30: Gateway XML delivery file user interface, Gateway Filehandler, PSUR Repository Web-UI.
For any further information, please contact EMA service desk.
Updated PLM Portal eAF Release notes now available
An updated version of the
PLM Portal eAF Release notes
reflecting bug fixes and updates to web eAF made in the version released to production
on 7 January 2025 are now available on
PLM Portal
and on the PLM Portal eAF web page.
Important note to PLM Portal users:
Due to an identified issue with ingredient data on the PLM Portal, the following medicinal product data will be removed from the Product Lifecycle Management Portal from 13 to 17 January 2025:
- All ingredients and their strengths
- Pharmaceutical products and routes of administration
- Package Items, Package Item Materials, Package Manufactured Items
- ATC codes
This means the above data will be unavailable in Product Management Service Product User Interface and Human Variations electronic Application Form.
In practice, for PLM Portal web-based eAF users this means that fields containing this information will be empty in the eAFs generated from the PLM Portal during this period. The missing data is not expected to impact the users of the eAF for variations for Centrally Authorised Products; and eAFs submitted with empty fields where the data is ‘missing’ due to the data cleansing exercise will not be rejected. We kindly request you not to report missing data/data issues in the eAF via the EMA Service desk during this period.
This means that PLM Portal eAF users should be able to continue to use the web-based form during this period unless unexpected issues, that were not found during testing, are found once the data cleansing process starts. However, users should note that the interactive pdf eAF is available for use for all variation procedures and applicants may feel more comfortable using the
pdf eAF
From 20 January 2025, the removed data will be re-uploaded in phases:
- All Centrally Authorised Products' (CAPs) data will be available from 20 January 2025;
- Non-CAPs data will gradually reappear over the following two weeks.
ESMP pre-launch for MAHs and available training materials
As of 28 November 2024, the
European Shortages Monitoring Platform (ESMP)
is officially live for routine shortage reporting by marketing authorisation holders (MAHs).
Marketing authorisation holders (MAHs) can now submit data to routinely report shortages of centrally authorised medicines (CAPs) to EMA. This marks the start of a transition period that will end on 2 February 2025, when the use of the platform becomes mandatory for CAP shortage reporting to EMA. National reporting requirements remain applicable. The ESMP will enable information exchange for prevention, identification and management of shortages to ensure medicines are available for patients in the EU and EEA.
The full first version of the ESMP will be released by 2 February 2025 and will expand the platform's functionalities to include supply, demand, and availability reporting during crises and MSSG-led preparedness exercises by MAHs and NCAs.
Further information, including training materials, user guidance, and
ESMP webinar
ESMP training
event recordings, are available on EMA's website to support stakeholders. For more details, visit the
ESMP webpage
and the
press release on EMA's website.
Updated PLM Portal eAF Release notes now available
An updated version of the
PLM Portal eAF Release notes
reflecting bug fixes and updates to web eAF made in the version released to production
on 9 December 2024 are now available on
PLM Portal
and on the PLM Portal eAF web page.
Update on the start of strongly recommended use of web-based eAF for NCA submissions
The expected start date of the strongly recommended use of the PLM Portal web-based eAF
submissions to the National Competent Authorities for non-CAPs variations is now planned
for February 2025. This updated timeframe is based on the latest projections by EMA’s development teams.
Please note that the web-based eAF is fully functional for the submission of variations
for CAPs, including EMA-led worksharing variations containing non-CAPs.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at
EU eCTD v4.0 Controlled Vocabularies in .xml format now available
The package containing genericode (.xml) format for the first version of the EU
eCTD v4.0 Controlled Vocabularies is now available
They are complementing the .xlsx version which was published in October.
Updated PLM Portal eAF FHIR XML Release notes now available
An updated version of the
PLM Portal eAF FHIR XML Release notes
reflecting the implementation of FHIR XML
2.1.1 in the PLM Portal eAF (released to
production on 9 December 2024)
are now available on the
PLM Portal
and in the documentation section of the
PLM Portal eAF, together with several updated documents to
provide consumers of the FHIR XML message the easiest
possible way to upgrade to the eAF XML 2.1.1 or to
the implementation now with the latest version.
eSubmissions Gateway – naming of the working documents folder
When submitted with an eCTD, the Working Documents should always be provided in a separate folder called "xxxx-workingdocuments" on the same submission zip package containing the eCTD, where the number (xxxx) matches the number of the eCTD sequence being submitted.
Any deviation will lead to a failed submission, and the package will have to be resubmitted with the correct naming. For example, if sending sequence "0007", which contains working documents, the separate folder should be named "0007-workingdocuments".
More details can be found in chapter 2.9.10 of the Harmonised guidance eCTD - version 6.0.
EU Harmonised technical eCTD guidance version 6.0 now available
A new updated version of the eCTD EU Harmonised technical guidance is now available
here, together with the Release notes.
The EU Harmonised technical guidance is aligned with the EU M1 eCTD Specification v3.1
and the Validation Criteria v8.1.
The timeline for implementation is as follows:
- (optional use): From 1 December 2024 eCTDs compliant with EU M1 v3.0.4 or v3.1 and validation criteria v7.1 or v8.1 are accepted.
- (mandatory use): From 1 March 2025 only eCTDs compliant with EU M1 v3.1 and validation criteria v8.1 are accepted.
Updated version of the VNeeS specification v3.2 now available
The guideline on eSubmissions for Veterinary products version 3.2 has now
been published. It will enter into force on 1 January 2025 (see links
under section "Current Guidance" below).
The update is related to text changes only (detailed in the release notes for
version 3.2) and it does not affect the validation criteria.
Updated VNeeS Q&A relating to eSubmission for Veterinary Applications now available
The VNeeS Q&A relating to eSubmission for Veterinary Applications was updated and it can be found in the Current Guidance section.
Planned maintenance of eSubmission systems on 5 December 2024, 18:00
Due to planned maintenance, the following eSubmission systems will not be available on
Thursday 5
December 2024,
between 18:00 and 24:00: Gateway XML delivery file user interface, Gateway Filehandler,
Repository Web-UI
and API, PSUR Repository Web-UI (both NCA and industry access) and API.
The maintenance includes various improvements and implementations:
- Common Repository Web-UI - technology modernisation
- Gateway XML delivery file user interface - various improvements and integrations for
retrieval of data (e.g. procedures) from the internal EMA case management system (IRIS)
- Gateway XML delivery file user interface - minor changes related to the new variation regulation (e.g.
renaming of the submission mode from "IG" to "super-grouping")
Updated documentation will be published on the relevant pages of the
eSubmission website.
For any further information, please contact EMA Service Desk.
Call for Interest eCTD v4.0 Technical Pilot
The electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) v4.0 is pleased to announce the launch
of the eCTD v4.0
Technical Pilot and invite interested eCTD tool vendors to participate in Step
1. A call for participation in
the following steps will be launched at a later stage.
If you have not yet expressed your interest, please send an email to eCTD4consultation@ema.europa.eu by 20
December 2024 to express your intention to participate. If approved, you will
receive a confirmation e-mail with further instructions.
Step 1
- Participants: Tool vendors, EMA
- Timeline: Q4 2024 - Q1 2025
- Focus Area: Technical Interoperability
Step 2
- Participants: Tool vendors (potential collaboration with MAHs), EMA
- Timeline: Q1 2025 (Subject to finalisation of step 1) - TBD
- Focus Areas:
- Simple scenarios (mock submissions, single package/sequence)
- Document lifecycle management (e.g. replacements, updates)
- Handling of multiple file formats, pack sizes, manufacturers
- Review of controlled vocabularies (CV)
- Updating keywords, priority numbers, and document titles
- Document reuse
Step 3
- Participants: Tool vendors, MAHs, EMA
- Timeline: Subject to finalisation of step 2, TBD
- Focus Areas:
- Expansion of Step 2 scenarios with non-mock data
- Grouped submissions functionality, forward compatibility
- Parallel regulatory activities
PFor a high-level view, please refer to the attached pilot plan.
Updated eAF v1.27.0.0 (Human Variation) now available, for use from 1
January 2025
An updated/corrected version of the eAF (Human variation) is now available on
the eSubmission website.
The difference compared to the version published on the 27th of November is
in the exported XML, which now
correctly contains the super-grouping checkbox.
It is mandatory to use version for all Human Variation applications with
procedure start date after 1st of January 2025.
The version for Human Variations will be removed from the eAF website, however,
users can continue to
submit applications using this version for procedures starting until 31 December 2024.
Applicants are reminded
that the version of the form should not be changed during an ongoing
procedure. Please note that in case you
need to provide an update to a form that has been submitted prior to 1st of
January 2025, you should use the
previous version (
EMA encourages companies to submit type I variations for 2024 by end
November 2024
EMA is advising marketing authorisation holders to submit type IA and type
IAIN variations for 2024 no later than 30 November 2024.
This will enable EMA to acknowledge the validity of the submissions before the Agency's
closure between 20 December 2024 and 5 January 2025,
within the 30-day timeframe set out in Article 14 of
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1234/2008.
Marketing authorisation holders are advised to submit any type IB variations or
groupings of type IBs and type IAs by 30 November 2024 for a start of procedure
in 2024. For submissions received on or after 1 December 2024, the procedure may not
start until January 2025.
eAF v1.27.0.0 (Human Variation) now available, for use from 1 January
In line with the amended Variation Regulation entering into force on the 1st
of January 2025 (
Guidance on the application of the amended Variations Regulation from 1 January 2025
| European Medicines Agency (EMA)
), a new version of the Human Variation eAF v1.27.0.0 is now available
on the eAF website.
It is mandatory to use version for all Human Variation applications with
procedure start date after 1st of January 2025.
The version for Human Variations will be removed from the eAF website, however,
users can continue to submit applications using this version for procedures
starting until 31 December 2024. Applicants are reminded that the version of the form
should not be changed during an ongoing procedure.
Please note that in case you need to provide an update to a form that has been submitted
prior to 1st of January 2025, you should use the previous version (
The form, the release notes and the associated files (i.e. schema and dictionary) are
published in the relevant sections of the eAF webpage.
Updated PLM Portal eAF Release notes now available
An updated version of the
PLM Portal eAF Release notes
reflecting bug fixes and updates to web eAF made in the version released to
on 25 November 2024 are now available on
PLM Portal
and on the PLM Portal eAF web page.
Updated PLM Portal eAF Release notes now available
An updated version of the
PLM Portal eAF Release notes
reflecting bug fixes and updates to web eAF made in the version released to
on 11 November 2024 are now available on
PLM Portal
and on the PLM Portal eAF web page.
Updated PLM Portal eAF Release notes now available
An updated version of the PLM Portal eAF Release notes
reflecting bug fixes and updates to web eAF made in the version released to
production on 28 October 2024 are now available on PLM Portal and on the PLM Portal eAF web page.
Interactive PDF eAF technical documentation updated
An updated set of schemas were published under the "Technical Documents"
section of eAF (interactive PDF), relevant for small changes in the XML schema
definition for versions and The changes are reflected in the "eAF DES
change summary" document.
Minor update to the published EU Validation criteria
An updated version of the validation
criteria to add further clarification the has been published on the eSubmission website. The version is
related to the EU Module 1 Specification version 3.1 and should be used in case of
submitting a new sequence according to EU M1 specification v3.1. The new validation
criteria will be used for the technical validation for all v3.1 electronic submissions
received as of 1 March 2025 to the NCAs and EMA. The changes are
reflected in the Release Notes.
From 1 December 2024 eCTDs compliant with EU M1 v3.0.4
or v3.1 and validation criteria v7.1, 8.0 or v8.1 are
From 1 March 2025 only eCTDs compliant with EU M1 v3.1 and validation
criteria v8.1 are accepted.
Planned maintenance of eSubmission systems on 24 October 2024, 18:00
Due to planned maintenance, the following eSubmission systems will not be
available on Thursday 23 October 2024, between 18:00 and 20:00: Gateway XML delivery
file user interface, Gateway Filehandler and PSUR Repository XML delivery file UI
(relevant for industry only).
Previously created delivery files will continue to work. For any further information,
please contact EMA Service
Non-Centrally Authorised Products now available in the PLM Portal
The EMA is pleased to announce that the non-Centrally Authorised
Products* (non-CAPs) data are now available in the Human variation
web-based eAF within the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
Please note that, due to system limitations and pending future improvements, the
web-based eAF cannot currently be used for submissions to the National Competent
Authorities. However, the web eAF is fully functional for the submission of
variations of CAPs, including EMA-led worksharing variations containing CAPs and
Please join the training session on 17 October 2024 10:00 - 11:30
Please see an updated version of the draft PLM Portal eAF guide to navigation is now available.
EU eCTD v4.0 draft Implementation package now available
An updated draft version of the EU eCTD v4.0 implementation package is now
available here.
The package contains the following:
- EU eCTD v4.0 Implementation Guide draft version 1.2 ; this version is focused on CAPs and the main changes since version 1.1 are reflected in the "Document change history" of the file
- EU eCTD v4.0 Controlled Vocabularies, in .xlsx format (version 1); the genericode files (.xml format) will be published in the following weeks
- EU eCTD v4.0 Accepted file formats
An upcoming updated package (containing the genericode files for the controlled vocabularies and the validation criteria) will be made available in the coming period.
The package is meant for eCTD tool vendors to access the new format of the Controlled Vocabularies and the new OIDs, as well as to be notified by the changes in the EU eCTD v4.0 Implementation Guide (version 1.2).
According to the EU eCTD v4.0 implementation timeline, a technical pilot for eCTD v4.0 in EU (focused on CAPs) is planned to start by the end of 2024, and more details will be published on the eSubmission website. If you are an eCTD tool vendor, have already developed eCTD v4.0 capabilities in the tool and are interested in participating in the EU eCTD v4.0 pilot, follow the eSubmission website for the upcoming announcement, or send your intention to join the pilot at ectd4consultation@ema.europa.eu.