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eCTD EU Module 1 Specification




Human eSubmission
eCTD v3.2
eCTD EU M1 specification

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eCTD 3.2.2 new package available

A new version of the EU eCTD M1 Specification, version 3.1, is now published on the eSubmission website

The version 3.1 sees the introduction of a number of changes across the specification, however, more specifically, the introduction of a new annex detailing the list of accepted file formats
(Reminder: the generally accepted file format is the PDF, however, in specific cases, other formats will be exceptionally accepted in the eCTD modules). The changes are reflected in the Release Notes.
The same changes are reflected in the additional files of the EU M1 Implementation Guide package (i.e. eu-envelope.mod, eu-regional.dtd, eu-regional.xsl)

A new version of the validation criteria has been published on the eSubmission website. The version is related to the EU Module 1 Specification version 3.1 and should be used in case of submitting a new sequence according to EU M1 specification v3.1. The new validation criteria will be used for the technical validation for all v3.1 electronic submissions received as of 1 March 2025 to the NCAs and EMA. The changes are reflected in the Release Notes.

During the initial period of 6 months from 18 June 2024 to 30 November 2024, applicants can only submit eCTD format submissions compliant with EU M1 v3.0.4 and validation criteria version 7.1.

From 1 December 2024 eCTDs compliant with EU M1 v3.0.4 or v3.1 and validation criteria v7.1 or v8.0 are accepted.

From 1 March 2025 only eCTDs compliant with EU M1 v3.1 and validation criteria v8.0 are accepted.



eCTD EU Module 1 Specification proposed changes now open for public consultation (Deadline: 12 January 2024)

The Human Harmonisation Group has analysed the change requests received upon opening the eCTD EU Module 1 Specification for review and is now publishing the draft documents for public consultation: The eCTD EU Module 1 Specification contains a summary of the proposed changes in the Document control table, and all the amendments are highlighted throughout the text with the track changes feature.
The eCTD EU Validation Criteria contains a summary of the proposed changes in the Document control tab.

Please submit your questions and comments via email to by the end of the day 12 January 2024.

After consolidating the public comments, the final versions of the documents and all the relevant files (including the Release notes, Package, Checksums) will be published on the eSubmission website. The date of entering into force will be announced at the time of the publication and will allow 9 months for the implementation of the changes.


eCTD EU Module 1 Specification now open for review and all stakeholders are invited to submit change requests on the specification - deadline extended until 1st November 2022
The Human Harmonisation Group has decided to open the eCTD EU Module 1 Specification for review and all stakeholders are invited to review the list of submitted change requests and, to submit new change requests on the specification.
Please find a list of submitted change requests and the template to submit any new change requests to the current version of the eCTD EU M1 specification. Please submit your change requests via email to by the end of the day 1st of November 2022.


eCTD EU Module 1 Specification now open for review and all stakeholders are invited to submit change requests on the specification
The Human Harmonisation Group has decided to open the eCTD EU Module 1 Specification for review and all stakeholders are invited to review the list of submitted change requests and, to submit new change requests on the specification.
Please find a list of submitted change requests and the template to submit any new change requests to the current version of the eCTD EU M1 specification. Please submit your change requests via email to by the end of the day 25th of October 2022.

Updated EU M1 eCTD Specification

The The EU eCTD Module 1 Specification has been updated to v3.1. Release notes with practical information on changes are provided below. There are also changes to the DTD in this version (version 3.1), and the validation criteria was updated to v8.0 (release notes are also published).
During the initial period of 6 months from 18 June 2024 to 30 November 2024, applicants can only submit eCTD format submissions compliant with EU M1 v3.0.4 and validation criteria version 7.1.
From 1 December 2024 eCTDs compliant with EU M1 v3.0.4 or v3.1 and validation criteria v7.1 or v8.0 are accepted.
From 1 March 2025 only eCTDs compliant with EU M1 v3.1 and validation criteria v8.0 are accepted.

  EU M1 v1.4.1 EU M1 v2.0 EU M1 v3.0.1 EU M1 v3.0.3 EU M1 v3.0.4 EU M1 v3.1
Status For reference only For reference only For reference only For reference only For reference only Approved
(Optional use from 1 December 2024)
Mandatory use from 1 March 2025
Release Notes

View Specification Release Notes

View Annex Release Notes

View View - 12.7.2016 View 16.11.2017 View Specification Release Notes including practical information View Specification Release Notes
Specification View
View View - 17.05.2016 View View April 2021 View June 2024
Annex View View View View View View
Accepted file formats           Accepted file formats May 2024
DTD Download   v.3.0.1 v.3.0.1 v.3.0.1 v.3.0.1
Examples Download          
Package Download Download Download - 06.06.2016 Download - 06.06.2016 Download - 06.06.2016 Download - June 2024
Implementation Guide   Download Download - 12.7.2016 Download - 06.06.2016 For immediate implementation Download
Checksum of            
eu-regional.dtd 91654e96e3bafc5e89df7f892477b246 9dc9debb051a9e5762fc19a1f55132da 290503BF171E7E2E80EF90F0BDE5D91E 290503BF171E7E2E80EF90F0BDE5D91E 290503BF171E7E2E80EF90F0BDE5D91E f8e473246d58499f9ffff8e51a32380d
eu-envelope.mod  664a76e3f31a9553d3375d3b21815904 0ebe02fcdff7e40eff94a88074ca21 D0727AE0FB68B19EDAE49AB9E2E22A4A D0727AE0FB68B19EDAE49AB9E2E22A4A D0727AE0FB68B19EDAE49AB9E2E22A4A cf059a8f48c68fe4ce9ad2947ab854ca
eu-leaf.mod 2e976bc60658a964affa5026369a371e 23b854174e61c68044b9f53c0009af95 23B854174E61C68044B9F53C0009AF95 23B854174E61C68044B9F53C0009AF95 23B854174E61C68044B9F53C0009AF95 23b854174e61c68044b9f53c0009af95
eu-regional.xsl 54f9889822e1d08cc23b902fc6a66aaa bf40b657579356c7b4d6c866625d8171 0107179C3739EBBD6B00CE492FE6E1E7 0107179C3739EBBD6B00CE492FE6E1E7 0107179C3739EBBD6B00CE492FE6E1E7 474f3fe1fdadb31c74477793e060383d



For the UK, as from 1.1.2021, EU Law applies only to the territory of Northern Ireland (NI) to the extent foreseen in the Protocol on Ireland/NI.


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